Dankesbrief von Most Rev. Dr. Gali Bali 2020

Dear Loving Sponsor
Greetings of Peace and joy of the New Born child Jesus and Saviour.
I am indeed very happy to write my letter of appreciation to you in this season of advent.
The shepherds and the magis cherished the love of the new bom child Jesus and journeyed
glorifying the Lord. On this globe we are all sojourners like the shepherds and magis journeying
towards our etemal abode cherishing the love of Christ with mutual support. At the outset of my
letter I would like to quote the recent encyclical of by His Holiness Pope Francis 'FRATELLI
Tarrl'no 167 "Education and upbrining, concern for others, a well-integrated view of life
and spiritual growth are essential for quatify human relationships".
We experience the fraternal love and affection you have been showing us by educating
our poor children who are very much deprived of many necessities of life if they are left to
themselves. Through your love and care we see bundle of smile on their faces which they feel a
boon that directly come from God himself. God is love and he who knows to love knows God.
You have imbibed all the beatitudes in your life and practicing them. The children who are
receiving your generous help will be the transmitters of your love surely when they are grown
up. This is how the light of Christ will be glowing up in all nooks and corners where all these
people moving. The Lord God has already prepared a crown of the gift for your good works
which is a great honour. Three times of the day the sponsored children are taught into pray to
thank God, to thank you and implore God to biess you ancl keep you all in His tender care and
protection. Each child very particularly remembers your name and all who made known to them
in your family, a time of pause is given during the prayer to recall you all silently in the heart and
pray intently. It is the time they come before God with their angles , ooLetthe little children come
to me for such is the kingdom of Heaven." In this way you are enshrined in their hearts.
The diocese of Cuddapah always cares for the marginalized, oppressed, socially
backward and the landless rural labourers of her children. Eager to help and alleviate all these
problems by eradicating illiteracy and making them to live a dignified human life. The diocese is
poor, but looking at the heaven's doors for the showers of God's love to see a society of
fraternity, equality and love. And you are that shower. May God bless you and all your
endeavours in the work of liberation. Wishing you A BLESSED CHRISTMAS and A
Invoking God's blessings upon you
Sincerely Yours in Christ,
Most Rev. Dr. Gali Bali
Apostolic Administrator In charge of Sponsorship

Rev. Fr. K. Lourdhuraj
In charge of the Sponsorship Programme